傳統式上顎擴張器在 1950 年代問世,當時的做法是將一個小小的部件插入中央孔,並每天旋轉裝置擴張,此過程非常困難,也對孩子與家長造成許多壓力—所以我們發明了更好的辦法。
傳統式上顎擴張器在 1950 年代問世,當時的做法是將一個小小的部件插入中央孔,並每天旋轉裝置擴張,此過程非常困難,也對孩子與家長造成許多壓力—所以我們發明了更好的辦法。
You can offset the cost of the Invisalign Palatal Expander System with a range of affordable options, including:
Dental insurance
FSA/HSA benefits
Flexible payment schedules
Talk to your child’s doctor about designing a payment plan that works for your family.
You can offset the cost of the Invisalign Palatal Expander System with a range of affordable options, including:
Dental insurance
FSA/HSA benefits
Flexible payment schedules
Talk to your child’s doctor about designing a payment plan that works for your family.
Invisalign aligners changed the game. Now we’re doing it again.
為您的孩子客製化服貼的一系列擴張器,藉由 3D 列印製作流暢的外型以提升舒適度且減少您與孩子的焦慮感。
傳統擴張器的時代已經結束了。隱適美上顎擴張器是目前唯一通過 FDA 核准的移除式上顎擴張器,與傳統式擴張器一樣有效。
為您的孩子客製化服貼的一系列擴張器,藉由 3D 列印製作流暢的外型以提升舒適度且減少您與孩子的焦慮感。
傳統擴張器的時代已經結束了。隱適美上顎擴張器是目前唯一通過 FDA 核准的移除式上顎擴張器,與傳統式擴張器一樣有效。
The Invisalign® Palatal Expander System is Align’s first 3D-printed orthodontic device to address widening the upper arch in growing patients. It is a revolutionary, clinically-effective approach to expansion that avoids the challenges of traditional palatal expander appliances.
Some orthodontic problems may be easier to correct if they are treated early. The American Association of Orthodontics recommends that a child’s first check up with an orthodontist be performed no later than age 7 to intercept any developing problems, eliminate the cause, guide the growth of facial and jaw bones, and provide adequate space for incoming permanent teeth.
Schedule an appointment with our Smile Concierge team to get help on finding a doctor that offers IPE treatment near you.
Patients do not have to remove the devices for eating or drinking. However, it is recommended to rinse the mouth thoroughly after each meal. Chewing hard, sticky or sugary food (including chewing gum) may damage the device and/or the patient’s teeth and should be avoided. Drinking sugary or acidic drinks may damage the patient’s teeth and should be avoided.
Since treatment is customized for the patient by the doctor, every situation is different, and doctors may choose different approaches or offer different recommendations for getting a patient to his or her goal. Pricing is determined by the doctor so please discuss any treatment concerns you have with your provider to determine what approach is best suited for your smile needs. We also encourage you to check with your insurance carrier regarding orthodontic coverage options.